International Criminal Defense – Michael Griffith, Lawyer
Notable Cases
Billy Hayes, Midnight Express
His most renowned client was William Hayes, the subject of Oliver Stone´s movie, Midnight Express, which related an American´s experiences in a Turkish jail. Mr. Griffith´s negotiations with the Turkish government helped originate the concept of the Bilateral transfer of prisoners which is now commonplace among many countries in the world.
David Daliberti v Iraq
Recently he represented David Daliberti, the American mechanic, who along with William Barloon, wandered from Kuwait into Iraq and were held by the regime of Sadam Hussein for four months before being released. Mr. Griffith was engaged in Negotiations with officials of the Iraqi government and the National Security Counsel for the release of these men when the President dispatched Congressman (later United Nations Ambassador) William Richardson to Baghdad whose efforts successfully resulted in their freedom.
Kendrick Ledet and Rodrico Harp, US Servicemen, Okinawa, Japan
In addition, Michael Griffith represented Kendrick Ledet and Rodrico Harp, two of the United States servicemen charged with the rape of the twelve year old Japanese girl in Okinawa. He went to Japan three times on behalf of the families of the men to help coordinate their defense since they both have denied involvement with the rape. Faced with the fact that the servicemen made forced confessions while in Dayo Kanguko Detention, which has been deplored in a report by the International Bar Association, Mr. Griffith brought this issue to the worlds attention in numerous press conferences and radio and television appearances, in both Japan and the United States. His relentless attacks on the Japanese judicial system, with respect to the injustices of this practice, helped educate the Japanese public regarding this appalling practice.
James Williams an American citizen arrested in Ecuador
Similarly, Mr. Griffith went to Ecuador where he represented James Williams an American citizen who had been arrested and was being held in horrendous conditions without having had the benefit of a speedy trial. He discovered that almost ninety percent of the Ecuadorian prisoners and almost all of the forty American prisoners in that country had been incarcerated for a year and a half without trials and having been subjected to bribes by judges and corrupt officials. Michael petitioned Congress and was successful in getting Congresswoman Corrine Brown of Florida to address this situation to the Ecuadorian and United States Ambassadors, in addition to accompanying her to Ecuador where she investigated this terrible situation. They not only received massive press coverage in Ecuador exposing this practice, but also, in the United States. Upon her return home, congresswoman Brown raised this issue on the floor of Congress and organized a number of congressional delegations including congressmen from different states who traveled to Ecuador on a number of occasions and which led to the suspension of all U.S. aid to Ecuador and the release of his client.
American client wrongfully accused in Tortola, British West Indies
He has coordinated the defense of an American client wrongfully accused of murder in Tortola, British West Indies and has called for a boycott of tourism to that country on television and in the media due to excessive human rights violations by that government.
Ted Maher, Monaco
He has represented Ted Maher, the American male nurse, accused of arson, which led to the death of billionaire banker Edmond Safra, in Monaco, and represented him at trial in the Monaco court.
Contact Michael J. Griffith for more information concerning services available for international criminal defense.